Monday 29 September 2003 11:05:03 pm
OK, I'll give this a try ;). I might be taking your questions too literally, but it's still early. 1. Go to the admin interface. Under Set up -> Sections you have the option of adding a new section. If you want a differing pagelayout, create a pagelayout_section_XX.tpl in /design/{sitedesign}/override/templates/. 2. In the overview of sections under Set up -> Sections there's a paperclip icon behind every sectionname. Click on this, surf to the object you want to assign the section to and select this object. 3. Yes. 4. Yes, just assign a different section to the object. Seeing as an object can have only one section assigned to it, you'll have moved the object to another section. 5. Hmmm, only if the content object and it's children have the same class, I think. Then you can use the full_class_XX.tpl overwrite templates in /design/{sitedesign}/override/templates/node/view/.
6. Well, you could try this link: 7. Not the right person to ask this to ;) Hope this helps, Vivienne