Forums / Setup & design / Search product engine

Search product engine

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Salvatore Guarino

Friday 02 September 2005 12:48:22 am

I have to create a search product engine for snow chains. For every snow chain model there are several sizes, depending on the tire size of car. The customer has to select the size of his tire, and choose available models of chain. Tire dimension is made of radius (i.e. R15) and of the width (i.e.195/65). This is a step by step example:

1. select tire radius --->R15

2. select tire width ---->195/65

                          Model1 size2 price 10
3. select model/size ---->Model2 size2 price 15
                          Model3 size2 price 20

Create this structure on a relational SQL DB is very simple. My question is if there is a simply way to create this engine with eZpublish.