Forums / Setup & design / Search Operator

Search Operator

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Thursday 06 January 2005 4:09:21 am

Hi All

I'm using serach operator in my website , concerning the searchbox it's ok
But i'm facing a problem with the advanced search as it breaks my design

As whenever i add this anchor <A> tag the design shifts downwards

<a href={concat('/content/advancedsearch/',$search_text|gt(0)|choose('',concat('?SearchText=',$search_text|urlencode)))|ezurl} class="pass">



Also if i changed the word advanced with an image

<img src={'AdvancedSearch.gif'|ezimage} width="60" height="18" border="0">

So i need a solution to this problem
Also i need to know if i can change this value in the attribute href=" "

Thanks in advance