Forums / Setup & design / Search module has "disappered"

Search module has "disappered"

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Bjørnar Holmedahl

Sunday 27 August 2006 9:47:33 am

I think I may have done something really stupid....

I installed ez publish (ver. 3.6.8) in english, but later found out that I wanted it in norwegian. I installed the language and after translating most of the sites (I thought it was all) I tried to remove the english language. I got an error message saying that the language could not be removed.

After this I have experienced a lot of troubles.

The main problems are as follows:
- when trying to do a search on the site I get a message saying the module is not found
- all norwegian characters æøå has been changed to Ã|, Ã¥ and ø
- instead of just writing /index.php/site_admin/ I now have to write /index.php?/site_admin/ to access the admin site.

Do anyone of you any idea what that has happened?

Does anyone know how I can "Reinstall" the search module?

What is wrong with the norwegian characters?

PLEASE help! I am really desperate....

- Bjørnar

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Kristof Coomans

Sunday 27 August 2006 11:24:27 am

Hello Bjørnar

Do you have a backup of your site (db + directories settings & var) from before the problems started? Then it's recommended to restore a backup.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Marko Žmak

Sunday 27 August 2006 11:21:34 pm

It seems to me like there is something wrong with your eZ settings. Have you changed any INI files? How exactly did you try to remove the english language (write what you did in details)?

As for this part:


this occurs when running eZ with PHP in CGI mode. I'm not sure why this would suddenly happen but someone on the forum will know for sure. Maybe this could be the reason why the search is nt working. What is the exact URL when you try to do a search on the site?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Bjørnar Holmedahl

Monday 28 August 2006 10:37:34 am

I am in the middle of setting up the site and "forgot" to take a backup before this problem occured. Is there any other way to fix this?

No, I have not changed any of the INIs

I tried to remove the english translation by using the admin feature in ez and select the english translation in the list of avaliable translations, and choose - "remove". After this I got an error saying something was wrong with the db, and I had to run a fix on the db in cpanel before the site worked (almost) normal again.

The full search url is

- Bjørnar

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