Forums / Setup & design / Sample Application

Sample Application

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Chetan Arora

Monday 25 June 2007 9:55:25 am

I have been trying to set up a 2-3 page website using Ez publish .. but with no success , gone through a no of tutorials and the techical manual .. most of them are either too verbose or too little. Can somebody please point to a neat solution where I can set up a sample application .. preferable with a DB access which explains the config files to be edited

Thx in advance.

André R.

Tuesday 26 June 2007 2:46:47 am

If you specify a bit more on what you have problems with it would be easier to help out.

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Chetan Arora

Tuesday 26 June 2007 6:51:04 am

The problem is I have to build a website.. I have a protype of a website written in jsp. I want to do it using Ezpublish.

How do I begin ?? I have read the tutorials but still not sure..

There is some custom php code that will go in too.

To further simplify, I want to start with building a simple login /welcome page application

You have login page, enter user name and password, form is posted, information validated against a DB and welcome page comes.

No Style , no css at the moment.

Something of the type

But this is for 3.5 and I am using 3.9


André R.

Tuesday 26 June 2007 7:07:27 am

If you have set up your site with 3.9+ with the website interface and english language you can accomplish this by modifying the settings/siteaccess/eng/site.ini.append.php with the following settings:


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Chetan Arora

Wednesday 27 June 2007 1:44:59 am

This would detemine that the user has to log in everytime thje website is visited.

What I mean to ask is shall I start by creating a new folder in 'siteacces' say 'my_website' and then writing files '*.overide.ini.php ' and then writing my own pagelayout.tpl and also specifying in the ini files which DB to use .. (as I want to do a login page)

If yes, how would I make sure that in the admin interface , 'my_website' appears in the siteaccess drowdown .

I did the above steps and was able to aceess something like


but was lost when I went to the admin interface as 'my_website' was not in the site access dropdown.

Could you point to OR list the steps reqd to setting this up..

I mean if I have to create new folder 'my_website' in siteaccess . I think we will have to create the same folder(my_website) inside 'design' and the 'var' folders.


André R.

Wednesday 27 June 2007 1:56:16 am

>If yes, how would I make sure that in the admin interface , 'my_website' appears in the siteaccess drowdown
This is controlled by a setting called RelatedSiteAccessList, its for setting witch siteaccesses belong to each other (use the same db).


>I mean if I create new folder 'my_website' in siteaccess . That would also be created inside 'design' and the 'var' folders.

design ( [DesignSettings] ) and var ( [FileSettings] ) is specified in its own settings inside site.ini.append.php, so siteaceesses that are related(use same db) should share the same var and cache directory. This makes it easier if you need to clear cache fro the frontpage from admin siteaccess and so on.

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