Forums / Setup & design / RSS Export and URL

RSS Export and URL

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Kjell Inge Sandvik

Wednesday 06 July 2005 5:20:48 am

Hello people!

Today's problem:
I have a RSS-feed that I want to import into a PHP-script. The problem is that the script cant't find the feed! What exactly is the correct URL to a RSS-feed to use?

I can access it from the browser: but the PHP-script can't.

Sandvik Web & Data

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 07 July 2005 1:17:30 am

Try change your feed url to rss/feed/aktiviteter.xml and use

// Open and read RSS url
$fid = fopen( $rssSource, 'r' ); 

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Kjell Inge Sandvik

Thursday 07 July 2005 1:53:02 am


Thank you very much for you answer, but I still can't connect to the feed from my php-script.

This is the URL I'm using.

Sandvik Web & Data

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 07 July 2005 1:59:23 am

Hmm, I have 404 (URL Not Found) error whan I accessing this URL

Do you use Firewall or forwarding?

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Kjell Inge Sandvik

Thursday 07 July 2005 2:31:27 am


Please see this thread in context with my latest one: RSS Export (

What I'm trying to do, is to export a RSS-feed containing activities. I have made a class with dates, information, title and a couple of other attributes.

The idea behind this, is to process the feed in a php-script that will produce a activity-calendar as a (template) file. The file will then be imported into pagelayout.tpl.

Sandvik Web & Data

Marco Zinn

Saturday 09 July 2005 3:34:43 am

? I don't get the point in what you are trying to do?
Are you creating the activities in on ezPublish installation and want to show the calendar in some other installation?
If you use one installation, what do you do all this RSS export and import things?


Kjell Inge Sandvik

Monday 11 July 2005 2:29:12 am

Hello Marco and thank you for answering.

I was trying to make a calendar with clickable dates for that day's events. I have now solved the problems by using a great contribution here on the community (Agenda).

But; the main idea behind it all was to make a way of process output data from eZ (in this case RSS) in a extern PHP-script. The script should produce a templatefile, which then was imported in for example pagelayout.tpl

Sandvik Web & Data