Forums / Setup & design / Roles in 3.2 Admin Section

Roles in 3.2 Admin Section

Author Message

SathishKumar Subramanian

Tuesday 28 October 2003 6:20:59 am

In the admin section i see no section about editing roles. In admin section, all the assigned roles are coming to the "roles view". But while editing the roles, the system is not showing the roles. How can i do this?

Pls help! Thanx in advance!


Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 28 October 2003 6:29:01 am

See this thread:


SathishKumar Subramanian

Tuesday 28 October 2003 7:26:04 am

Thanx Paul. But still I am boging down in the same problem.

I have gone through the thread which you have mentioned. The 'Standard section', 'Users' sections are avail in my admin interface, inside the setup->sections.

Also I have checked the link : http://<my-site>/role/list . This list is same as the roles list which is showing currently in my admin interface.

The problem is the system not allowing me to edit/remove the Role policies which i have entered.

How can i acheive this?


Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 28 October 2003 7:44:30 am

Ah, i misread your question.

Can you give a more detailed example of what you are doing. For example, which role you are editing, what error is happening, etc. Is there debugging information present?


SathishKumar Subramanian

Wednesday 29 October 2003 6:30:15 am

Hi Paul,

I am trying to make a workflow settings. Instead I have created user groups and users. Similarly to set the roles to the users and user groups I have tried to create policies in the roles.

I can add the role-policies. But the system is not allowing me to edit the added policies in the roles. How can I do this?

Thanx & Regards,

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 29 October 2003 6:47:00 am

What happens when you click on the edit icon for your new role?


SathishKumar Subramanian

Wednesday 29 October 2003 6:54:09 am

Its coming only with the "user" module's functions and limitations. The remaining policies are not coming.

But I can get all the policies like content read, edit and create etc in the policies view of this corresponding role. But these policies are not coming for modify/remove.


Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 29 October 2003 7:01:04 am

Im afraid i still can't see your problem. You say you can access something like:


and see current policies.

but please take a step-by-step approach and describe the problem.


Claus Jensen

Friday 21 November 2003 4:17:42 am

I cannot add certain policies to a role. Some is working i.e. "content | read | *", but if I try to add a new policy with create or edit. The page shows:
(Debug on the create policy step 2 page contains)

Warning: PHP
Nov 21 2003 13:04:16

Undefined variable: policyID in /opt/ezpublish/3.2-3/kernel/role/edit.php on line 419

I see the debug, it begins to worry me, but I continue and want to limit it to creating folders, images and forum messages, and mark these in "Class". And when I press 'Ok' for saving this policy I return to the "admin/role/edit/11" ("policylist") and there is no new policy there only the old one "content | read | *".
Debug says:
Warning: eZHTTPTool
Nov 21 2003 13:05:52

Undefined post variable: DeleteNodeButton
Warning: eZHTTPTool
Nov 21 2003 13:05:52

Undefined post variable: DeleteSubtreeButton

So now I may not create permissions that limit access to certain classes or nodes, because it wont store the new policy. Great! Does somebody have a solution for this, or do I have to rewrite ezpublish? ;)
