Monday 02 May 2005 8:00:00 am
Xavier, sorry for my scepticism... perhaps I really should make a try. First, I have some questions: 1. I have a test installation already running. Can I add (and remove) EnhancedObjectRelations now without affecting the existing data structures (my own classes which use normal object relations included)? 2. Can I use normal ObjectRelation and EnhancedObjectRelations simultaneously in parallel(e.g. for testing)? 3. Does EnhancedObjectRelations provide every feature usually covered by normal ObjectRelation and ObjectRelationList? 4. Do I understand you right that EnhancedObjectRelation provides the feature I'm looking for in this thread (restricting single relations to certain classes)? 5. @ezTeam (somebody of ez reading this thread?): Will the special features of EnhancedObjectRelations be integrated in a forthcoming standard release?
Thanks, Uli