Forums / Setup & design / Removing SiteStyles

Removing SiteStyles

Author Message

Martin Sanders

Wednesday 22 February 2006 7:20:50 am

I'm in the process of developing our first eZ publish CMS website and would like to know how we can remove the default SiteStyle seen within the 'design / look and feel' section. I'm using eZ publish 3.7.3.

Many thanks,

Martin Sanders

laurent le cadet

Wednesday 22 February 2006 8:00:37 am

What do you mean by remove ?

Siw Helen Thorslund

Wednesday 22 February 2006 10:29:46 am

When you go through the setup wizard in eZ publish, you have the choice between some sitestyles. These sitestyles defines the colors (and layout) of your ez publish default installation.

Since ez publish by default separates content and layout through a css based layout, all you have to do is to edit the css-files included.

This is how the default css-files are included:

<style type="text/css">
    @import url({"stylesheets/core.css"|ezdesign});
{*    @import url({ezini('StylesheetSettings','MainCSS','design.ini')|ezdesign}); *}
    @import url({"stylesheets/site.css"|ezdesign});
{*    @import url({"stylesheets/t1/site-colors.css"|ezdesign});   todo -> read from design settings *}
    @import url({ezini('StylesheetSettings','SiteCSS','design.ini')|ezroot});
    @import url({"stylesheets/classes.css"|ezdesign});
 {*    @import url({"stylesheets/t1/classes-colors.css"|ezdesign}); todo -> read from design settings  *}
    @import url({ezini('StylesheetSettings','ClassesCSS','design.ini')|ezroot});
    @import url({"stylesheets/debug.css"|ezdesign});
    {section var=css_file loop=ezini( 'StylesheetSettings', 'CSSFileList', 'design.ini' )}
        @import url({concat( 'stylesheets/', $css_file )|ezdesign});

<b>Take a look at the following tutorials/demos for more information:</b>

Creating a custom style: Part II - shuffling layout elements

Creating a custom style: Part III - changing site colours

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