Forums / Setup & design / related objects in "News", I wish to display only articles

related objects in "News", I wish to display only articles

Author Message

Finn David Nilsen

Friday 30 January 2004 11:55:21 am

I try to display only related articles, the standard article.tpl display articles, images...everything...

This lines (my "test lines") in article.tpl won't work...

{section show=$related_objects}

{let related_objects=fetch( content, list,

hash(node.node_id, node.object.related_contentobject_array,
class_filter_type, "include", class_filter_array, array(2))

<div class="relatedarticles">
<h2>{"Related stories"|i18n("design/news/layout")}</h2>
{section name=ContentObject loop=$related_objects show=$related_objects}
<li><a href={$ContentObject:item.main_node.url_alias|ezurl}>{$}</a></li>

Some hint's....?

Finn David