Forums / Setup & design / recommended environment for multi-site-hosting

recommended environment for multi-site-hosting

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Don Blogger

Tuesday 01 March 2011 2:43:10 am


I'd like to know what you guys would recommend as a modern server infrastructure for hosting a series of ez publish websites with one ez publish installation, partly with considerable hits per day and tons of fresh content coming in.

We're currently looking into some sort of cloud solution that allows us to create virtual servers for each project and assigning resources virtually as needed. The idea is that we would like to make the upgrade processes easier in the future using a centralized installation, but at the samte time be flexible enough to respond to future needs of resources.

At the other hand, we would like to avoid spending a lot of money in a server infrastructure we don't need right now, but maybe will need it in 1-2 years.

How woud you handle this issue?



Greg McAvoy-Jensen

Tuesday 01 March 2011 8:51:02 am


A cloud environment might work for you, especially if very brief downtimes at odd hours are ok when you need to scale up. How you construct it will depend on how hard the server will need to get hit at maximum capacity.

One possibility would be to start with two servers (one for the eZ Publish installation and one for the database), both cloud instances, both relatively small. As the load picks up, each could be increased to a larger size (which may require a late-night reboot, depending on the provider). That would give you several steps of scalability, without having to make any changes to the files. Or you could start with three servers small cloud servers (the two mentioned already, plus one which handles the admin interface, if its traffic is substantial or if accessing it in peak times could become a problem).

Granite Horizon, Certified Developer of eZ Publish Web Solutions
Provider of the SaaS Solution Granite Horizon In The Cloud | | +1 916 647 6350 | California USA | @granitegreg