Forums / Setup & design / Really needing help with WORK FLOW

Really needing help with WORK FLOW

Author Message

John Mina

Wednesday 14 April 2004 7:14:01 am

Dear all,
I do really need help workign with a workflow problem
When an EDitor add an article , it doesn't get publish , that is good, it goes to the administrator for approval and that is fine
Wht is not fine that the admin is not allowed to edit that article
Also wht is not fine that when the Admin approve the article, the article doesn't really go to the desierd place. BUt more than this it goes to know where

I have a dead time for this project, and i don't know how to apply this

John Mina

Thursday 15 April 2004 12:54:23 am

i Wonder if any one saw my message.

Please HElp
ANy one
I will appriciate your guess, even if you don't have real experience with the problem
jsut give me a try.

Regards, JOhn

Balazs Halasy

Thursday 15 April 2004 1:09:02 am

1) The editor can not edit the article, he/she can only approve/disapprove it. This is how eZ publish works right now. We'll probably add a feature that allows the editor to edit the article some time in the future.

2) If the article doesn't end up anywhere after an approval, where is it? Can you check in the database? Also, did you remember to run the cronjobs script? This script must be run at frequent intervals since the workflow subsystem depends on it.


John Mina

Thursday 15 April 2004 1:38:25 am

But i am confused now
1- Is the Editor is the one who has to give the approval? or the ADminsitrator?
What will happen if i removed the editor user?
2- Reagrding the webcron, i remmebered to run it , but as if u say i am not able to run it in the right way?

C:\eZpublish\php>php runcronjobs.php
Status: 404
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.4

That is wh ti get , do u think i wrote the correct command , I am using Windows XP

John MIna

Roy Bøhmer

Thursday 15 April 2004 5:24:33 am

Try something like
C:\eZpublish\php>php c:\eZpublish\eZpublish\runcronjobs.php

The path is supposed to lead to your ez-installation (same dir as the index.php)
With your initial command php failed to find runcronjobs.php in the php-dir.

Good luck!

John Mina

Thursday 15 April 2004 6:33:20 am

Hi Roy,
That made somethign different than what i usually have.
but some error message appeared that i don't really understand :(

C:\eZpublish\php>php c:\ezpublish\ezpublish\runcronjobs.php
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.4
Set-Cookie: eZSESSIDelwa7a=000ca0d37b88549bf1d7fdbe6b6cd9b2; path=/
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
Pragma: no-cache

Running cronjobs/workflow.php
Checking for workflow processes
<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Call to a member function on a non-object in <b>c:\ezpublis
h\ezpublish\kernel\classes\workflowtypes\event\ezapprove\ezapprovetype.php</b> o
n line <b>162</b><br />

Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present belo


So what do you think ?

Roy Bøhmer

Friday 16 April 2004 3:03:14 am

I'm sorry, but i'm not really into this workflow thing...
When I check the kernel\classes\workflowtypes\event\ezapprove\ezapprovetype.php line 162 it's blank. I'm running 3.3.4 What version of eZ are you running? (I suppose you've not messed around with the kernel-files, so that's not the reason linenumbering dont match mine)

Well, not that it will help me much, but maybe some gurus around here can make more sense of it than I :-)

- roy -

John Mina

Sunday 18 April 2004 2:05:57 am

HI Roy,
sorry was in aweekend coulnd't checkl my email
Well line 162 is empty as well here, i didn't mess anythign up here i nthe kernel too:( that is too wiered.

btu above 162 i have none empty lines also the lines after it.

What do u think? why specially that line u pointed too , aslo line 155 is empty?

Hope Balazs Halasy from Ez crew would help us
