Forums / Setup & design / Punctuation characters in RSS import

Punctuation characters in RSS import

Author Message

Paul Carpenter

Tuesday 07 September 2004 3:43:13 pm

RSS import is working fine except that special characters in titles and descriptions show up in the browser with the ampersand converted into the


sequence. The user see's


instead of the punctuation character.

The characters are coming in correctly from the RSS feed. What comes in as


is being converted to



Can someone point me to where this conversion is taking place or how to reverse the conversion?

Chalda Pnuzig

Tuesday 11 September 2007 2:42:43 am

I add this in rssimport.php, in function getCDATA (before return)

	$char=array('''=>''', '−'=>'-', 'ˆ'=>'^', '˜'=>'~', 'Š'=>'Š', '‹'=>'‹', 'Œ'=>'Œ', '‘'=>'‘', '’'=>'’', '“'=>'“', '”'=>'”', '•'=>'•', '–'=>'–', '—'=>'—', '˜'=>'˜', '™'=>'™', 'š'=>'š', '›'=>'›', 'œ'=>'œ', 'Ÿ'=>'Ÿ', 'ÿ'=>'ÿ', 'Œ'=>'Œ', 'œ'=>'œ', 'Š'=>'Š', 'š'=>'š', 'Ÿ'=>'Ÿ', 'ƒ'=>'ƒ', 'ˆ'=>'ˆ', '˜'=>'˜', 'Α'=>'Α', 'Β'=>'Β', 'Γ'=>'Γ', 'Δ'=>'Δ', 'Ε'=>'Ε', 'Ζ'=>'Ζ', 'Η'=>'Η', 'Θ'=>'Θ', 'Ι'=>'Ι', 'Κ'=>'Κ', 'Λ'=>'Λ', 'Μ'=>'Μ', 'Ν'=>'Ν', 'Ξ'=>'Ξ', 'Ο'=>'Ο', 'Π'=>'Π', 'Ρ'=>'Ρ', 'Σ'=>'Σ', 'Τ'=>'Τ', 'Υ'=>'Υ', 'Φ'=>'Φ', 'Χ'=>'Χ', 'Ψ'=>'Ψ', 'Ω'=>'Ω', 'α'=>'α', 'β'=>'β', 'γ'=>'γ', 'δ'=>'δ', 'ε'=>'ε', 'ζ'=>'ζ', 'η'=>'η', 'θ'=>'θ', 'ι'=>'ι', 'κ'=>'κ', 'λ'=>'λ', 'μ'=>'μ', 'ν'=>'ν', 'ξ'=>'ξ', 'ο'=>'ο', 'π'=>'π', 'ρ'=>'ρ', 'ς'=>'ς', 'σ'=>'σ', 'τ'=>'τ', 'υ'=>'υ', 'φ'=>'φ', 'χ'=>'χ', 'ψ'=>'ψ', 'ω'=>'ω', 'ϑ'=>'ϑ', 'ϒ'=>'ϒ', 'ϖ'=>'ϖ', ' '=>' ', ' '=>' ', ' '=>' ', '‌'=>'‌', '‍'=>'‍', '‎'=>'‎', '‏'=>'‏', '–'=>'–', '—'=>'—', '‘'=>'‘', '’'=>'’', '‚'=>'‚', '“'=>'“', '”'=>'”', '„'=>'„', '†'=>'†', '‡'=>'‡', '•'=>'•', '…'=>'…', '‰'=>'‰', '′'=>'′', '″'=>'″', '‹'=>'‹', '›'=>'›', '‾'=>'‾', '⁄'=>'⁄', '€'=>'€','ℑ'=>'ℑ', '℘'=>'℘', 'ℜ'=>'ℜ', '™'=>'™', 'ℵ'=>'ℵ', '←'=>'←', '↑'=>'↑', '→'=>'→', '↓'=>'↓', '↔'=>'↔', '↵'=>'↵', '⇐'=>'⇐', '⇑'=>'⇑', '⇒'=>'⇒', '⇓'=>'⇓', '⇔'=>'⇔', '∀'=>'∀', '∂'=>'∂', '∃'=>'∃', '∅'=>'∅', '∇'=>'∇', '∈'=>'∈', '∉'=>'∉', '∋'=>'∋', '∏'=>'∏', '∑'=>'∑', '−'=>'−', '∗'=>'∗', '√'=>'√', '∝'=>'∝', '∞'=>'∞', '∠'=>'∠', '∧'=>'∧', '∨'=>'∨', '∩'=>'∩', '∪'=>'∪', '∫'=>'∫', '∴'=>'∴', '∼'=>'∼', '≅'=>'≅', '≈'=>'≈', '≠'=>'≠', '≡'=>'≡', '≤'=>'≤', '≥'=>'≥', '⊂'=>'⊂', '⊃'=>'⊃', '⊄'=>'⊄', '⊆'=>'⊆', '⊇'=>'⊇', '⊕'=>'⊕', '⊗'=>'⊗', '⊥'=>'⊥', '⋅'=>'⋅', '⌈'=>'⌈', '⌉'=>'⌉', '⌊'=>'⌊', '⌋'=>'⌋', '⟨'=>'〈', '⟩'=>'〉', '◊'=>'◊', '♠'=>'♠', '♣'=>'♣', '♥'=>'♥', '♦'=>'♦');
	foreach ($char as $key=>$value)
	$textCDATA=html_entity_decode($textCDATA, ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1');

I feel like I could... like I could... TAKE ON THE WORLD!!!