Forums / Setup & design / Publish one article in two separate siteaccesses

Publish one article in two separate siteaccesses

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Anette Sæther

Thursday 27 April 2006 5:47:51 am


I have made two siteaccesses:
1. Website
2. Intranet

Used " " to publish an article at two separate locations, which works. On intranet I have made it so a user can publish an article, which then gets published at the two separate locations, but it "drags" with it Section from intranet to the article in website - which again leads to the article doesnt get showed on the website properly.

I have also tried to use override direct on the node instead of section, but the edit.tpl file will only work on writing to sections and not node in that siteaccess I have just it on.

Anybody got any idea on how to solve this?


Anette Sæther

Thursday 27 April 2006 7:26:15 am

Had to set right role for anonymous user...