Forums / Setup & design / Problems with the poll functionality

Problems with the poll functionality

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Tore Skobba

Friday 13 February 2004 4:56:00 am


I am manually importing the "Poll" functionality to my site. However, this is not working very well. But first what I have done:

Created an Poll content class
Copied the poll templates and set up the correct override settings
Copied the news:"collect.ini" settings file to my own design settings folder

The poll is sort of working now. However,

Everybody can vote as many time as they want (Anonymous also)
UPDATE: This has been solved, I edited my collect.ini file in the settings: CollectionUserData=unique instead of default mulitple. However, I would still like to for instance allow forms from mulitple anonymous users.

Each time anyone votes I get an email! This is probably due to my site.ini setting: Which is there due to that in the future I might be making forms for various students to sign up for various courses. So basically I want to have some information collectors using email and allowing data from anonymous, and some which is not using email. Is that possible?


Wenyue Yu

Friday 13 February 2004 6:33:34 am


Answers to part of your question.

To disable email sending change [EmailSettings] in collect.ini.append as following:

Add and change following settings to suit your needs in collect.ini.append:

I can't find content_object in poll_result.tpl, could you post your poll_result.tpl?


Tore Skobba

Monday 16 February 2004 5:10:24 am


Thanks for the help, seems as I was a bit fast on the post a forum message, totally forgot about settings, only looked at the actual template code. Everything works fine now, except that I still get the:

"Unknown template variable 'content_object' in namespace ''"

Which is strange since I have simply copied and pasted the template code from the EZ pre installed site designs.

The line generating the error is this (the one in the middle):
12: {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.option}
13: {section name=ContentAction loop=$node.object.content_action_list show=$content_object.content_action_list}
14: <input class="button" type="submit" name="{$ContentAction:item.action}" value="Vote" />

content_object is not defined anywhere before line 13.

Wenyue Yu

Monday 16 February 2004 7:47:03 am


There is something wrong with the template. Change $content_object to $node.object.
