Forums / Setup & design / Problems with RedirectURI and approval workflow

Problems with RedirectURI and approval workflow

Author Message

Robin Sørlie

Sunday 13 March 2005 11:43:01 am

In this site, users are allowed to post their own ads. Ads posted by users must be approved by admin before it's published.

When a user is finished with the add content form, they are redirected to a "thank you" page. I use a redirectURI in the edit.tpl to do this; <input type="hidden" name="RedirectURI" value={"controlpanel/thank_you/"|ezroot} />

This worked perfect in eZ 3.4.2. But due to different bugs, I upgraded to 3.4.5. Now I get the following error when posting an ad:

Operation halted during execution.
Refresh page to continue

Note: The halt is just a temporary test

I try to refresh page as suggested in the message, but still the same error. I searced the forums for 'operation halted' but it came up with nothing. Isn't there anyone that has had this error before?

Any suggestions?

Frederik Holljen

Tuesday 15 March 2005 1:00:33 am

Sounds like a problem where the RedirectURI is not picked up. Can you please report a bug and we will take a look at it.

Robin Sørlie

Tuesday 15 March 2005 1:06:18 pm

Hi, opened a bug as requested;