Forums / Setup & design / Problems with images (again...)

Problems with images (again...)

Author Message

Christian Johansen

Tuesday 07 March 2006 6:54:15 am

So it seems I am not able to make this image stuff work, everytime I try something not standard I end up losing my images. Now I have this:

Warning: PHP  	Mar 07 2006 15:40:04

system(): Unable to fork [c:\programfiler\imagemagick-6.2.5-q16/convert.exe "-quality" "75" "-geometry" "70x150>" "var/siteaccess/storage/images/media/images/golfweekend/717-1-nor-NO/golfweekend.jpg" "JPEG:var/siteaccess/storage/images/media/images/golfweekend/717-1-nor-NO/golfweekend_articlethumbnail.jpg"] in D:\www_docs\\lib\ezimage\classes\ezimageshellhandler.php on line 124

Warning: eZImageShellHandler::convert 	Mar 07 2006 15:40:04

Failed executing: c:\programfiler\imagemagick-6.2.5-q16/convert.exe "-quality" "75" "-geometry" "70x150>" "var/siteaccess/storage/images/media/images/golfweekend/717-1-nor-NO/golfweekend.jpg" "JPEG:var/siteaccess/storage/images/media/images/golfweekend/717-1-nor-NO/golfweekend_articlethumbnail.jpg", Error: , Return: -1

Error: eZImageManager::createImageAlias 	Mar 07 2006 15:40:04

Failed converting var/siteaccess/storage/images/media/images/golfweekend/717-1-nor-NO/golfweekend.jpg to alias original in directory var/siteaccess/storage/images/media/images/golfweekend/717-1-nor-NO

which is really annoying because the "article_thumbnail" version is already generated (it exists at the location eZ is trying to make a new one. Why would it generate the image over when it already exists? And why doesn't it work? I tried to copy the command and pasted it manually to a command window and it works fine. It's really frustrating, any help would be really appreciated.

Not only is it not able to create the image, but it isn't able to use the one that already exists either so it displays nothing (through an empty <img src="" ...>)