Forums / Setup & design / Problem with wrong URL route appearing all over

Problem with wrong URL route appearing all over

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Luis Delgado

Wednesday 18 May 2011 11:35:46 am


We are having a pretty strange issue here and need advice.

When we first installed EZ Publish /Ez Flow we did it in a subdirectory /sub/

We then move it live so we made Rewrite Rules to dissapear /sub/ on URL and changed all settings under site.ini to remove /sub/ etcetera etcetera

Everything went almost fine.

But now after MONTHS from that we are having some problems as EZ will scramble caches and is looking for /sub/  all the time while trying to look for javascripts and some other personalized modules, so they wont load.

I have some theory:

1. We began using APC and Fast CGI.

2. We have a new designer and I think he is missing the /sub/ in the route to the files.

3. We are having cache problems (this is for sure) as sometimes the site wont show the last content. Somehow he is taking this subdomain from somewhere. All SITE.INI files have correct URL not showing the subdirectory at all (with no /sub/) as we dont want this subdirectory to show on the site.

4. Additionaly we are unable to modify the Design Appereance  (in Admin /Design/Appeareance) when we click on Send for Publishing we will have a 500 error server error.

So things are getting somehow complicated for us right now... we need some help to know where to look at.

Help. Thank you.



André R.

Wednesday 18 May 2011 2:52:45 pm

Might be enough to edit your site settings and fix path there*, or you might have to have a look in the ezcontentobject_attribute table and use a like query to see if there are any data with the sub path in it.
Then either way clear all cache using the purge option on ezcache.php 

* /content/edit/54/f/eng-GB

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Luis Delgado

Wednesday 18 May 2011 6:23:36 pm


Thanks for youyr help. All paths in site.ini are without /sub/... Im thinking about rewrites?? maybe??

Entering in the frontend with ezflow will open the admin URL as this has happened always... 

If you close it it will send you to principal.

But for java scripts and images included in custom codes for banners for example I will have to place the /sub/ so that it is recognized.

I used the included .htaccess and added rewrites to / so to dont show the /sub/... maybe Im missing something there.

Either way I will try deleting the whole /cache directory in var and ez_flow (as I had already cleared cache via EZ Admin interface with no luck) and recompile template to see results and I'll post it back here tomorrow.

Thank you.



Luis Delgado

Wednesday 18 May 2011 7:55:25 pm

Well... seems part of it has been solved clearing the whole cache directory under ez flow...(forcing to recompile template)...

The part I cant solve is the Design Tab / Appearance edit, Im unable to save it (and repair some footer javascript)... looks like the cursor will spin until it is timed out. Watching CPU it will get it to 98% so whole site will freeze while this is trying to be saved.

No error in the log files... at least not for this issue.
