Forums / Setup & design / Problem with the view_count

Problem with the view_count

Author Message

Sébastien Antoniotti

Sunday 11 February 2007 9:53:29 am


I have so mistake with the view_count functionnality. I have configured the cronjob.ini to call the updateviewcount script, here is the output when I manually run the runcronjob.php by "php runcronjob.php" :

Update content view count ...
Started at Dimanche 11 Février 2007 6:47:53 pm

Start line: - - [09/Feb/2007:16:40:07 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 28937 "-" "Dedibox"

Finished at Dimanche 11 Février 2007 6:47:54 pm

View count have been updated!

So it seems that the update is done, but when I show the attributes of a node, I always get this :

>>view_count integer 0 

Thanks in advance

eZ Publish Freelance
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Børge Warvik

Monday 12 February 2007 2:18:28 am

I get the same error. Anyone have any ideas what causes this?


Kristof Coomans

Monday 12 February 2007 5:53:26 am

See my reply in the original topic:

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