Forums / Setup & design / Problem with template overrides in 3.1

Problem with template overrides in 3.1

Author Message

Dave Royer

Tuesday 15 July 2003 7:22:34 pm

I am currently in the middle of designing a new site using ezPublish (first attempt at ezPublish, so it's a learning situation.) I had my overrides working pretty well in 3.0.2, but when I updated ez to 3.1, none of my node-specific overrides show up.

I still have all my override templates located in design/<my_design_folder>/override/templates/node/view/. I tried using the new stuff in Setup -> Templates but when I try to override the line.tpl file, for example, I can't select my design in the dropdown. My design folder does not show up, even though I have my design added to the AvailableSiteDesigns entry in the content.ini.append file. I tried editing the overrides.ini.append file directly but that didn't work either.

I've got to be missing something pretty basic, but I'm running out of ideas. Any suggestions?



PS: I found the article below which leads me to believe that I'm missing some seting somewhere.

Karsten Jennissen

Tuesday 15 July 2003 11:20:29 pm

Check here, this should help you:

Dave Royer

Wednesday 16 July 2003 8:07:15 am

I have been using that document to try and get things working. Unfortunately something still isn't working.

After some work, I was able to get my site design to show up in the site dropdown on the Setup->Templates screen. After I set the design to my design, I am able to view the overrides I defined for the node/view/line.tpl file.

One of the overrides I have defined is:


Which I believe should override all line views for class == 1 (folder). This shows up in the template setup page. I have the line_folder.tpl defined in design/mydesign/overrides/templates/line_folder.tpl. Turning on template debugging and viewing a page with several folders in it shows me that the line entries for the folders are using the design/mydesign/templates/node/view/line.tpl file.


Karsten Jennissen

Wednesday 16 July 2003 8:15:51 am

Did you clear the cache? Maybe try to manually delete /var/cache.

Dave Royer

Wednesday 16 July 2003 8:32:20 am

I rm -rf 'd the var/cache/* tree and still no change.

Thanks for the help!

Any other thoughts?? Is there any debugging I can turn on to see the logic how it's deciding which template file to use?

Dave Royer

Thursday 17 July 2003 6:37:11 am

Update: I tried the generateoverridesettings.php script to generate an override.ini file. Again, all my overrides show up in the Setup -> Templates page but they don't show up on the site. I guess I'll try re-applying the 3.1 files in case some didn't copy over. Any other thoughts?



Dave Royer

Thursday 17 July 2003 11:16:40 am


After much persistence, and alot more deleting var/cache than I thought I needed I found the source of my problems. I was mixing up where to use my siteaccess and where to use my custom design. After getting the overrides.ini.append into settings/siteaccess/<siteaccessname>/ and adding <siteaccessname> to both AvailableSiteAccessList[] and SiteAccessList[] I was able to get it working!
