Forums / Setup & design / problem with orderemail and options

problem with orderemail and options

Author Message

Martin Ulrich

Thursday 04 November 2004 5:31:22 am

I use the predefined option_list with my product class. Everything works fine. Choosen
options were shown when basket, confirmorder and orderview is called.

But in the orderemail, EZ is sending, when order has passed, there are no options visible.

Of course I had to modify the /shop/orderemail.tpl and add a section, which fetch the choosen options, but seems to difficult for a simple man like me ;-)

sorry for english, sorry for everythingelse

Maybe someone out there give me a peace of code.

*greetings and happy work*

_______________________ ARTENIC - Publishing mit allen Mitteln!

Martin Ulrich

Thursday 04 November 2004 12:34:00 pm

sorry, make a mistake,
code from optionslist of coruse works in orderemail.tpl
write in orderemail.tpl :

{section var=product_item loop=$order.product_items sequence=array(bglight,bgdark)}
{section show=$product_item.item.item_object.option_list}
{section var=option_item loop=$product_item.item_object.option_list}
 {$|wash} {$option_item.value}
Preis: {$product_item.price_inc_vat|l10n(currency)} für {$product_item.item_count} Person(en) 
Zwischensumme = {$product_item.total_price_inc_vat|l10n(currency)}

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