Forums / Setup & design / Problem with fetch

Problem with fetch

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Trevor Clowry

Tuesday 14 June 2005 6:39:24 am

There is probably an easy solution to this.

Basically i want to show a testimonial on every page on the site. I have created a new class called testimonial. And created a folder called testimonials which contains 5 testimonial instances.

I have created a template which i want to add to each page. However when i try to fetch the infromation from the testimonials, to display to the screen i only receive the names of the testimonials.

{let testimonials=fetch('content',list,hash(parent_node_id,81))
{section name=test loop=$testimonials}
<img src="{$test:item.logo}" />


The only part that is displaying information to the screen is {$}.
81 is node_id of the testimonial folder, which contains all the testimonials.
How do i show the other attributes?
Can anyone help?

Nabil Alimi

Tuesday 14 June 2005 6:50:40 am

Hi trevor,

First, when using loop I use :

{section var=test...}

instead of

{section name=test.. } 

And when I want to display each attribute, I use {$test.object.data_map.NAMEOFYOURATTRIBUTE.content}

But anyway, if you want to display an attribute of your class, you should use {$test:item.data_map.NAMEOFYOURATTRIBUTE.content).
Or by using {attribute_view_gui attribute=$test:item.data_map.YOURATTRIBUTE}

(I hope I ain't wrong ^^)

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