Forums / Setup & design / problem with different languages

problem with different languages

Author Message

Valentina Ferrari

Wednesday 19 October 2005 1:49:19 am

Hi all!
I'm usign EzPublish 3.4.0.

I activate 5 languages in my site (italian, english, german, french and spanish).
I traslated all the site into italian and english and all was ok.
Yesterday I traslated a content into german, but something wrong happened.
The content class has these attributes: title, intro and descritpion.
When I traslated into german my content, ezPublish deleted the intro and description italian content.

What happended?
Help me please,

Filippo Ferrari

Wednesday 19 October 2005 3:59:32 am

I can't help you but I have a question ralated to different languages usage, could you (or someone) explain me how to show different languages choose on my site, thank you


J-A Eberhard

Wednesday 19 October 2005 5:39:37 am

Try to adapt to your case the script on used on pagelayout.tpl

{section show=eq(ezini('RegionalSettings','Locale'),'fre-FR')}
<a href="{concat('/de/', $DesignKeys:used.url_alias)}">Allemand</a>
{section show=eq(ezini('RegionalSettings','Locale'),'ger-DE')}
<a href="{concat('/fr/', $DesignKeys:used.url_alias)}">Franzözisch</a><br>

I used siteaccess to manage the languages and this will show you link to the same page as the one you are in but in another language.

Open Source Solution Provider
Open-Net Ltd Switzerland

Filippo Ferrari

Thursday 20 October 2005 1:42:54 am

Thans, it works fine!

Vasyl Mykhalevych

Monday 31 October 2005 2:57:07 am


2 J-A Eberhard:
would you like to explain, where exactly in pagelayout.tpl your example code should be inserted?

I was trying to insert it on different sectors, but was fail.

I was fail because I'm idiot: your code means if language is fre-FR then view lot of urls.
But I (butt-head) put this code to english page and waiting for a magic.

For other beginners (like me): here code for dispalying list of available translations in 3-lingual site: your code, only adapted.

<b>List of languages</b>

{section show=eq(ezini('RegionalSettings','Locale'),'eng-US')}
<a href="{concat('/index.php/site/' - I was play for a fiew minutes while eZ returns active url - when I use /site/ it was error, so - /index.php/site/, then we receive index.php/site/sub_item/... and everyting works fine.', $DesignKeys:used.url_alias;</a>
<a href="{concat('pol_site', $DesignKeys:used.url_alias)}">Po polskemu</a>
{section show=eq(ezini('RegionalSettings','Locale'),'rus-RU')}
<a href="{concat('eng_site', $DesignKeys:used.url_alias)}">In english</a>
<a href="{concat('pol_site', $DesignKeys:used.url_alias)}">Po polskemu</a>
{section show=eq(ezini('RegionalSettings','Locale'),'pol-PL')}
<a href="{concat('site', $DesignKeys:used.url_alias)}">&#1053;&#1072; &#1088;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1086;&#1084;</a>
<a href="{concat('eng_site', $DesignKeys:used.url_alias)}">In english</a>

Thank you in advance.