Forums / Setup & design / Problem to change CSS-styles in Gallery-installation

Problem to change CSS-styles in Gallery-installation

Author Message

Tor Olav Steinsvoll

Sunday 29 February 2004 2:05:34 pm


I have installed ez and used the gallery-installation. What I want to do is to change the colors in the stylesheets so I can change the look of the site. I have tryed to change the different stylesheets but the site doesn't change???

Does someone know what I do wrong?

Tor Olav Bj. Steinsvoll

James Packham

Monday 01 March 2004 7:44:32 am

Did you clear your cache afterwards?

Bruce Morrison

Monday 01 March 2004 6:05:36 pm

Clearing the ezpub cache will have no effect on changes made to the style sheets.

What style file are you editing?
The demo @

Also what browser are you using? Some Mac browsers have trouble with caching CSS files.


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James Packham

Tuesday 02 March 2004 7:46:00 am

So it is, don't know where I got that from! Sorry for being misleading, it wasn't on purpose!



Tor Olav Steinsvoll

Thursday 04 March 2004 1:54:47 am

Thanks a lot all of u

I tryed to edit the wrong stylesheet. The stylesheet in use isn't the one I thought was in use. For all u others. The stylesheet in use u find here:


Thanks for all the help :-))

Regards from Tor Olav