Forums / Setup & design / Problem creating custom tags

Problem creating custom tags

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willy jansen

Tuesday 09 November 2004 8:10:36 am

I want to create a custom tags and I followed the exact instructions of this page:

I created a tag called link2file but it isnt accepted

I get the error:

Input was partially stored
Body: * Unsupported tag link2file(removed)

I'm quite sure I exaclty followed the metioned instructions.

And more: none of the in the content.ini file mentioned customtags is accepted:

Anybody have any clue what is going on here?

I'm on ezpubli 3.4

willy jansen

Tuesday 09 November 2004 8:32:05 am

And a second question...

In which settings file are "not custom" tags such as "emphasize", "literal" and "object" being defined?

Mark Marsiglio

Tuesday 09 November 2004 11:08:15 am

Did you add your tag to the content.ini in both site accesses (admin and public)? Make sure that you do not have a content.ini.append in the settings/override folder. You should have them in the settings/siteaccess/[yoursite} and settings/siteaccess/[yoursite_admin] and they should both contain the available custom tag line.
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willy jansen

Wednesday 10 November 2004 7:52:30 am

Thanks Mark, but no change. I added the file "content.ini.append.php" to both directories "/httpdocs/settings/siteaccess/mysite" and "/httpdocs/settings/siteaccess/myadminsite"
It still doesnt accept the custom tag. Neither does it accept the default custom tags as <sub>, <sup>, <quote> etc.

The mentioned document though doesnt mention anything about adding the custom.etc file to the admin directory...

it even doesnt mention where it is located:

Add custom tag to content.ini.php 
file so it is available to the online 
editor, if you are using it.

I prefer NO documenttation to incorrect documentation.

Anybody have a go at my 2nd question? "In which settings file are "not custom" tags such as "emphasize", "literal" and "object" being defined?"


willy jansen

Wednesday 10 November 2004 11:43:02 am

solved it. thanks