Friday 07 May 2004 2:35:28 pm
I am trying to get the PDF on-the-fly generation to work on my site. I am curently on eZ3.3-4.
The questions I have are: 1. Like the footer that is shown on the bottom of all pages, is it possible to include header on all pages? I tried this code but didn't work
{section show=$pdf_root_template|eq(1)}
{pdf(pageNumber, hash( identifier, "main", start, 1 ) )}
{include uri="design:content/pdf/newheader.tpl"}
This is what I have in the newheader.tpl file
{pdf(header, hash( level, 1, text, 'ProSoft Technology'|wash(pdf), size, 26, align, left, page, "all" ) )}
2. How to do lists? - HTML unordered lists. I have created a override file for li.tpl file
{pdf(text, ' · '|wash(pdf))}
{pdf(text, $content|wash(pdf))}
It works but not exactly the way an HTML list shows up. 3. How to handle the <p> tag correctly? 4. Is there any tag to handle margins on the page? 5. In the PDF template operators tutorial there is not moention on how to draw a line. ( like in the footer) Please help me out. I need to get this to work.
TIA Vivek