Forums / Setup & design / Pb with the end part of "Building an ez publish site"

Pb with the end part of "Building an ez publish site"

Author Message

Stéphane Cesbron

Monday 29 March 2004 12:31:45 am


I'm doing the "Building an eZ publish site" tutorial. I'm using eZpublish 3.3-3 on a Win XP Pro plateform.
I'm just running into trouble when it gets to the last part concerning the guestbook. The button to add a new entry doesn't work properly and I get the following error message even when I sat up a new role (content create class(guestbook), Section(guestbook section) to the anonymous user :
Access denied
You don't have permission to access this area.

Possible reasons for this is.

You are currently not logged in to the site, to get proper access create a new user or login with an existing user.
You misspelled some parts of your url, try changing it.

Can anyone help ?

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated !


Balazs Halasy

Monday 29 March 2004 1:03:08 am

I just had a quick glance on your post, don't know if this is the solution or not:

Remember to assign edit permissions too in addition to create.


Stéphane Cesbron

Monday 29 March 2004 1:44:36 am

It works when I added a new content edit class(Guestbook), Section (Guestbook section).

I don't understand why it doesn't work when I only add content create ...

Any sugesstions ?

I'm a newbie in Ezpublish

Can anyone point me out some good docs for :
- running mutliple sites on a single Ezpublish installation
- creating/managing users
