Forums / Setup & design / pagelayout question
enigmista enigmista
Monday 09 February 2004 10:08:27 am
can i use more than one pagelayout for each section? (like ez2)
Tore Skobba
Monday 09 February 2004 10:14:43 am
At first thought no! Section were made to have various layouts on your site, and controll access.. However, with creative template code I think you could manage it. But it would not be nice and I would not recoment it.
Paul Borgermans
Monday 09 February 2004 1:53:54 pm
Yes, provided you can use other "selectors" that differentiate pagelayouts. Availableare:
- node id - class of current node/object - depth in the node tree - parent node id- object id
You need to edit the override.ini.append "by hand" and put the most specific on top of the ini file
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