Forums / Setup & design / Overriding is not working properly

Overriding is not working properly

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Neeraj Poudyal

Sunday 19 February 2006 2:24:27 am

Hi I'm a long time php developer new to ez. Currently I'm using ez 3.7.

Overriding is not working as mentioned in the document.
Some are but some aren't. The classes default /full/folder.tpl etc are showing instead of
my override even though /design/mysite/override/templates has the new overrides.

I tried to override the design from the admin , a folder, providing it its node number . Doesn't work. Sometimes it does.

I checked override.ini.append and my override is mentioned there.
I have disabled caching, but still routinely delete ALL of them them each time I make changes. I tried deleting cache folder.

Problem is some nodes do show up with their override, folder nodes don't (default full/folder.tpl is showing)

Marko Žmak

Sunday 19 February 2006 1:13:39 pm

Did you rellay clear ALL the cache? How did you clear it? Form the admin interface or with script? Did you clear only template cache or everything?

Try also manually deleting the cache folder for your site and see what happens.

If this doesn't help then you should check if eZ has some problems loading your override templates (permissions etc...). Try turning debug on and see if eZ complains about not being able to load some templates. Also turn on "List of used templates" in debug and see which templates are requested and which are loaded.

Hope some of this helps.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Neeraj Poudyal

Monday 20 February 2006 12:14:07 am

Wasn't cache problem. It was a problem with the prioriy.
Fixed now.