Forums / Setup & design / override template order

override template order

Author Message

RW Wood

Thursday 25 September 2003 6:23:10 am

I understand that configuration files are read in this order:
1. /settings/site.ini
2. /settings/siteaccess/[directory]/site.ini.append
3. /settings/override/site.ini.append.php
with 3 taking precedence over 2, which takes precedence over 1.

But what about override.ini.append files? What is the order of precedence there? If I put template overrides in /settings/override/ovrride.ini.append should they apply to all designs on the site, and if so, in which folder should the templates themselves be put? By default, the standard design doesn't have an override folder. I'm a bit unclear on how this should work, and the trials I've done didn't give consistent results, so...


Bjørn Kaarstein

Friday 26 September 2003 1:55:37 am

/settings/override/ovrride.ini.append will apply to all siteaccesses.

/settings/siteaccess/yoursiteaccess/override.ini.append will go directly on the siteaccess, but will be overriden by /settings/override/ovrride.ini.append.

Regarding the templates, take a look here. Nicely described by Paul.

Regards Bjørn