Forums / Setup & design / Only show image table if the image exists?

Only show image table if the image exists?

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Trond Åge Kvalø

Monday 15 March 2004 12:43:44 am

I have altered the Folder class a bit to include an image. Then I've made a template that shows the image in a right justified table.

Problem is that the image is not required, and now I want to check to see if there's an image before I show the table.

At the moment I'm also assuming a fixed size on this image. But that is bit strict. Could someone help me with how to scale the image proportionally to a fixed with?

here's the code for my image table:

{section loop=$children}
	<TABLE border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='right' CLASS='image-right'>
		<tr><TD width='155'><img src='{$:item.object.data_map.bilde.content[reference].full_path}' width='155' height='88'></TD>
		</tr><tr><TD CLASS='space10px'>&nbsp;</TD></TR>

best regards


Trond Åge Kvalø

Monday 15 March 2004 12:54:03 am

Ehhrm.... it was actually in the docs..... How bizarre. That's the last place I'd look ;-o

well, well. Now I'll try to make it work....



Trond Åge Kvalø

Monday 15 March 2004 1:21:40 am

The docs says:

"A filter entry in the image alias consist of the name of the filter and the filter parameters separated with a =, each parameter is separated with a semicolon (;)"

But how about giving us an example?

It's quite annoying when the documentation guides you <b>almost</b> to the solution. Compare it to reading a crime novel where the last chapters are missing....

From what I understand from the docs this is how I should do it:


But I have a feeling that this is not entirely correct... please show me how to do this

best regards


Tore Skobba

Monday 15 March 2004 1:57:41 am


As I understand it you have two problems. Need to scale image and conditional template code for displaying folders with and without an image.

Image scaling is set up in the settings/override/image.ini.append. There you will find lots of stuff. Basically you must make an filter for your image. For example:

# Scale images to 230;110. NOT keeping aspect ratio

# Scale images larger than 460;460 down to keeping aspect ratio.. I.e the image is simply NEVER widther og heigher than 460 px.

Then in your template you must use code to view images:

{section show=$item.data_map.bilde.content.is_valid}
{* Image is available *}
<a href={$item.data_map.bilde.content.orginial.url|ezroot}>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$item.data_map.bilde image_class="ingress"}</a>
{* Image size is controlled by using image class="filtername", where filter name is in image.ini.append.
{* There is no image *}

PS: Replace $item with $node if not within an sectin loop.


Trond Åge Kvalø

Monday 15 March 2004 3:39:57 am

Thank you, Tore!

Much appreciated :-)

As far as I've understood, I also have to specify an AliasList[]=my_new_filter_name in the [AliasSettings] section , right?

And what does the Reference=reference line do?



Tore Skobba

Monday 15 March 2004 4:10:08 am

>I also have to specify an AliasList[]=my_new_filter_name in the [AliasSettings] >section , right?

Maybee, maybee not. If the default AliasList does not suit your needs then you define your own in the design/override/image.ini.append file.

>And what does the Reference=reference line do?

Beats me, probably somehting to do with some advanced functionality.. I just keep it there.. I.e when making an new filter I use copy&paste.