Forums / Setup & design / Online Editor forgets my table class

Online Editor forgets my table class

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Trond Åge Kvalø

Friday 15 October 2004 6:01:55 am

Hi there!

I have at last successfully managed to populate the Class field in the online editor with classes for my tables.

But the classes are "forgotten" in the publishing process.

I click a table in the OE and select properties. In the dialog I choose "right-table" from the "Class" dropdown list.

Then I send to publishing. But the table is given the class "renderedtable", which is the default if the user has not given any class.

Problem is, I'd expect the table to now have the class "right-table" since that's what I chose.

Can anyone please shed some light on this issue?

Best regards


Trond Åge Kvalø

Monday 25 October 2004 6:21:25 am

Ok, I need to bump this question.

I have an eZXML textfield where I have inserted a table.
I try to give this table a classification using the Online Editor.
But when the object is published, the classification is "lost".
I cannot find any good docs about this, so if someone could help me I'd be
very grateful.

I see in the docs that classification is not the same as CSS classes.
Can anyone explain the difference to me?

Best regards


Wenyue Yu

Monday 25 October 2004 6:44:11 am


When table border is 0, the class can not be saved correctly. This bug had been reported and fixed. Is that your case?

See my last post in to know how to fix it yourself.

The difference between classification in eZ publish and CSS classes is that you can use classification as CSS class and you can also use it as override key to override templates.


Trond Åge Kvalø

Monday 25 October 2004 7:06:59 am

Hello Wenyue!

Yeah, I just spotted that post, and that was my issue as well.

Thank you very, very much for clearing this out.

Is this corrected in the latest stable SVN?

thank you again
