Forums / Setup & design / Omega (Ω) not Working in XML Field

Omega (Ω) not Working in XML Field

Author Message

Peter Schnuerer

Thursday 23 June 2005 1:32:01 am


For some technical data I do need an Omega-Sign (HTML: Ω)

How is this done - and how can I Enter it in the Online-Editor?

(ez Publish: 3.5.2)


Kirill Subbotin

Saturday 25 June 2005 5:25:02 am

We are now working on this problem. Currently our XML format doesn't support html entities.

But there is a good common way to solve the problem: use a unicode(utf-8) coding on your site and just insert any characters in OE. For example you can paste them from any character map utility ('charmap' under Linux).

Peter Schnuerer

Monday 27 June 2005 1:38:10 pm

Thanks! You said:

use a unicode(utf-8) coding on your site and just insert any characters in OE

How is this done? Is tis Apache-Configuration or ez Publish?

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Monday 27 June 2005 1:56:51 pm

Hi Peter,

More about Unicode in eZ publish you can read here

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Peter Schnuerer

Tuesday 28 June 2005 9:43:19 pm

I am afraid this requires mySQL 4.1 (and higher) I'm running on 4.0.x an can't update - isn't there any other way?

Kirill Subbotin

Thursday 30 June 2005 1:32:43 am

Sorry, but there is no other way for now. Our core development team decided not to support html entities by now, because they are not supported by the kernel.
So, you can use only characters that fit your current codepage, utf-8 is the correct choice for this situation.

Kirill Subbotin

Thursday 30 June 2005 1:46:51 am

By the way, I think that mySQL 4.0 supports utf-8 too, it just doesn't support automatic encoding/decoding. So I think it could work on 4.0 or even earlier.

Peter Schnuerer

Sunday 03 July 2005 2:30:11 pm

you're right!

it seems to work with 4.0.x too!
I can now use the "Omega"-Charakter in online editor!

But there is one problem: My old content does not show the the german charakters after switching the database. Anyplace a german charakter used to be there is now a "?"