Felix Laate
Monday 26 April 2004 1:07:31 am
Hi all! I upgraded a 3.2-4 system to 3.3-4, and all works well except for the fact that all the "old" images are "lost". In the output-xhtml they are reduced to
<img src= />
. New images can be upload and are displayed as normal. I've searched the fora and documentation, and I found many questions but not the final answer. Is there a solution? Or will I have to re-upload all the images, and edit all the articles? Or even downgrade? Any help is appreciated! Felix
Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger
Marcus Ilgner
Monday 26 April 2004 3:44:47 am
Hi Felix,
this is because of the new directory structure in var/<yourdesign>/storage. I wrote this small script (runs on Linux only, I fear, but migration should be fairly easy) to migrate the old structure into the new hierarchy. Take a look at it and maybe comment out copy() and mkdirs() on the first run. Also make sure to run the cleanup script beforehand.
function mkdirs($mode, $path)
exec("mkdir -m $mode -p $path");
$server = "localhost";
$user = "ezpublish"; // put your mysql-user here
$password = "password"; // put your password here
$database = "ez"; // put your database name here
$baseDir = "var/mydesign/storage/"; // change design name here
$connection = mysql_connect( $server, $user, $password, false );
mysql_select_db( $database );
//find all ezimage attributes
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT id, language_code, version, contentobject_id FROM ezcontentobject_attribute WHERE da
//enumerate all images
while( ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) != false )
$attribute_id = $data["id"];
$version_number = $data["version"];
$language_code = $data[ "language_code" ];
$object_id = $data["contentobject_id"];
//old filename
$subresult = mysql_query( "SELECT filename FROM ezimage WHERE contentobject_attribute_id=$attribute_id AND
$row = mysql_fetch_row( $subresult );
$old_filename = $row[0];
$oldDir = $baseDir . "original/image/" . $old_filename;
//build new filename
$subresult = mysql_query( "SELECT path_identification_string FROM ezcontentobject_tree WHERE contentobject_
$row = mysql_fetch_row( $subresult );
$path_string = $row[0];
$newDir = "images/" . $path_string . "/" . $attribute_id . "-" . $version_number . "-" . $language_code;
printf("Creating dir %s\n", $newDir );
mkdirs( 0770, $newDir );
$asPath = explode( "/", $newDir );
$newFile = $newDir . "/" . $asPath[ count( $asPath ) - 2 ] . "1.jpg";
//copy file
copy( $oldDir, $newFile );
printf( "Copying \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", $oldDir, $newFile );
mysql_close( $connection );
After running this script, just clear the cache and visit the site. The database should then get updated automagically.
Greetings Marcus