Forums / Setup & design / (OffTopic) phpAdsNew and eZ - weird behaviour

(OffTopic) phpAdsNew and eZ - weird behaviour

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Marin Orlic

Saturday 01 October 2005 1:32:52 am

Hi all,

This is a bit offtopic, but I hope somebody had some experiences :) Sorry for the OT.

I have an installation of PAN in eZ Publish (using eZ publish extension), and it worked just fine, without any problems - eZ extension just calls the delivery code, and everything else is managed by PAN.

Yesterday we switched to another DB host, and also to another version of MySQL, from 3.23 to 4.1.9. The database switch had some troubles with national chars, but I've mostly settled that issue. There could be one problem - db data is in cp1250, and the default connection charset set by MySQL server is latin2.

Back to the problem - I'm loading banners by keywords, such as 'top-468', 'nl-top', 'bottom-468' and so on. After the DB change, PAN started giving me random banners for two of the keywords (maybe more, but didn't notice). There is no apparent link between the requested keywords (top-468 and nl-top are affected) and those that do work (zd-top-468, forum-top-xx and so on work fine). There were some keywords with national chars, but that worked fine. I even removed the national chars from the keywords, no use.

This is really weird, does anybody have any idea what could be the problem? I noticed a warning on PAN site about MySQL and ANSI mode, how can I check if it's in that mode?


Marin Orlic

Saturday 01 October 2005 5:19:40 am

Just as an information - phpAdsNew 2.0.6 works fine.

If anybody has problems, maybe I can help :)