Forums / Setup & design / Odd override problem for ezxmltags

Odd override problem for ezxmltags

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paul bolger

Wednesday 13 June 2007 5:40:53 pm

I have set up overrides for a couple of the ezxmltags templates (italic and strong, which both produce long deprecated html by default).

My understanding is that I should be able to do this by making a copy of the directory




and by putting modifed copies of the templates in that directory.

But that doesn't work. And neither does overriding the original templates directly.

But it does work if I do both, make a copy of the ezxmltags directory, put copies of the templates there (which can be empty files, they just need the right names) and then adding an override to make eZpublish look for the templates in a new directory in the overrides/templates directory.

Does anyone know why this is so?

Paul Bolger