Forums / Setup & design / Newbie plain site tutorial problem

Newbie plain site tutorial problem

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rex nedoli

Friday 02 January 2004 8:05:25 am

pagelayout.tpl problem
This being the first time I tried this app, I went the very cautious route of preparing myself by reading pretty much all the documentation aimed at newbies; after which I opted to try the "Building an eZ publish site" tutorial.

After a flawless install (hooray!); I find encountering the same problem over and over again after I created the template- pagelayout.tpl - the "hell World" page does not appear; instead I get a page full of debug messages, at the top of which are the lines
"Timing: Jan 02 2004 09:45:56
Module start 'content'

Warning: eZModuleOperationInfo::execute Jan 02 2004 09:45:56
Missing main operation memento for key: 31e9ef849adfb81e65660a255e15c7ee

Error: eZTemplateDesignResource::overrideArray Jan 02 2004 09:45:56
Custom match file: path '' not found in any resource. Check template settings in settings/override.ini"

I have appended the error log at the end of this email. I am able to open the admin page, although it is slightly different from the image displayed in the tutorial - it contains thts text "Root folder [Folder], Node ID: 2, Object ID: 1"

Interestingly enough, it is an issue that I subsequently found more that a few other users had encountered. There was a suggestion that the some of these users check the changes the made to the site.ini files.

Well, I checked and rechecked; and, for good measure, I reinstalled the app again; and I still encountered the same problem. Please help!

eZ debug
Timing: Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Module start 'content'

Warning: eZModuleOperationInfo::execute Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Missing main operation memento for key: 31e9ef849adfb81e65660a255e15c7ee

Warning: PHP Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Undefined index: object in c:\apache\htdocs\ezvuwa\kernel\content\view.php on line 210

Error: eZTemplateDesignResource::overrideArray Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Custom match file: path '' not found in any resource. Check template settings in settings/override.ini

Error: eZTemplateDesignResource::overrideArray, tried files Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
array(3) {
string(38) "design/standard/templates/sortlist.tpl"
string(43) "design/vuwa/override/templates/sortlist.tpl"
string(34) "design/vuwa/templates/sortlist.tpl"

Error: eZTemplateDesignResource::overrideArray Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Custom match file: path '' not found in any resource. Check template settings in settings/override.ini

Error: eZTemplateDesignResource::overrideArray, tried files Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
array(3) {
string(34) "design/standard/templates/view.tpl"
string(39) "design/vuwa/override/templates/view.tpl"
string(30) "design/vuwa/templates/view.tpl"

Timing: Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Module end 'error'

Error: eZTemplate Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Expected whitespace, got: '\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Century;'

Error: eZTemplate Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Expected whitespace, got: '\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;'

Error: eZTemplate Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Expected whitespace, got: '\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;'

Error: eZTemplate Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Expected whitespace, got: '\*\generator Msftedit;'

Warning: eZTemplate Jan 02 2004 10:44:36
Function "" is not registered

Timing: Jan 02 2004 10:44:36

Marco Zinn

Saturday 03 January 2004 4:33:22 am

hm, looks very much like ezPublish does not find a template file.
The error-messages are about some "sortlist.tpl" and "view.tpl"
It also gives a hint: "Custom match file: path '' not found in any resource. Check template settings in settings/override.ini"
I guess, you used "vuwa" as the design instead of "tscm". So, do you have a directory "design/vuwa/" ?

BTW: The changes in the admin interface (displaying node-id and object-id) were made in 3.3 and the tutorial was started, before 3.3 was release. Don't worry, you will love this later :)

I didn't completly follow the tutorial, but if you changed the name of the siteacces and/or the design, you must take care, that you really change the occurance of "tscm" everywehre (.ini files and directory structure).


rex nedoli

Saturday 03 January 2004 9:31:34 am

thanks for the response, Marco. Yes I have replaced all references to tscm with vuwa. For the moment I have just simply disabled the debug info - beacause I simply cannot understand what these error messages mean. And like ignoring the proverbial mad uncle in the basement, I find I can pretty much continue with the tutorial...well until some of these ugly errors pop their heads out of the basement :)

So far this looks like a very useful way for a newbie like me to learn to use this app - but I wish some of the annoyances could be eliminated. I got stuck for hours trying to figure this one out; and I'm currently stuck on workflow section (guestbook) - someone suggested that that one might be a bug...well, it's kinda difficult to know that you have encountered a bug, when you only have a day and half experience on what seems to be a fairly sophisticated application.

A tutorial (and a basic one, at that) is meant to be something that does not require hours of research to go through. It scares away folks who might have other options to try...and that is not necessarily a good thing for ez.

Sorry for rambling on... but my point really is that if nothing else, an introductory tutorial must (and I do mean must) must reflect positively on the subject matter at hand. A poorly written (not that this one is) or buggy tutorial gives new user the impression that all might not be well with the rest of the app...

I, Rex