Wednesday 21 January 2004 1:45:52 pm
I'm trying to create a new Dutch translation for eZ Publish 3. Unfortunately I can't get it to work. Here's what I've done so far:
- I've installed QT's Linguist for Windows on my desktop machine.
- Downloaded share/translations/untranslated/translation.ts from my testserver.
- Translated it partially.
- Saved it (just 'save' from QT, should I do anything else?)
- Created a new folder in share/translations: 'dut-NL', chmodded it 777, just to be sure.
- Uploaded the new translation.ts to this folder.
- Downloaded eng-GB.ini form share/locale
- Edited it and uploaded it as share/locale/dut-NL.ini.
- Created the new language in the setupsection of my admininterface. - Changed settings/override/siteaccess/mysite/site.ini.append: Changed:
[ContentSettings] TranslationList=
ContentObjectLocale=eng-GB TextTranslation=disabled Into:
[ContentSettings] TranslationList=
TextTranslation=enabled TranslationCache=enabled After this I get the following error when viewing my site:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /path-to-ezpublish-root/lib/ezxml/classes/ezxml.php on line 271 Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below. Here is the relevant snippet from ezxml.php:
268 // check for CDATA
269 $cdataSection = "";
270 $isCDATASection = false;
271 $cdataPos = strpos( $xmlDoc, "<![CDATA[", $pos );
272 if ( $cdataPos == $pos && $pos > 0)
Perhaps something is wrong with translation.ts? How can I validate it? I've had some errors while tranlating: 4 translations got a warning sign in front of it (red exclamation point), which I couldn't fix. - This page tells me I need to execute 'bin/linux/ezlupdate -v dut-NL' but therefore I need to download, build and execute Trolltech's QT. Do I really need to do that or is that only necessary if I want to change/translate translation.ts on my server instead of my desktop machine? Really hope anyone will help. Thank you for your time. Cheers, Maarten