Forums / Setup & design / New intranet project

New intranet project

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Michael Hall

Wednesday 09 January 2008 9:34:30 pm

I've just started work as webmaster at my local council. Our public website is based on eZ Publish 3.9.3. I've been developing PHP/MySQL for at least 5 years now, so while the learning curve is steep I'm not totally lost!

We're now planning to move our intranet (currently ASP on IIS) to eZ Publish, and I have a few questions which hopefully someone can answer:

1. Is Apache/MySQL/eZ Publish on a Windows 2003 server OK for a relatively low volume intranet? I've only ever used Linux before.

2. Is version 4.0 ready for production use, or at least close? That "x.0" has me worried :-)

3. Any recommendations for how to approach the project, in other words, should I start with a predefined installation (eg corporate design) or start from scratch? If starting from scratch, what components am I likely to need?