Forums / Setup & design / New folder not displaying in left bar

New folder not displaying in left bar

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sajid saiyed

Monday 17 November 2003 4:34:09 am


I have just installed ezpublish version-3 on LINUX REDHAT and was trying the ADMIN interface.

I created a corporate website, then i went inside the Products > Softwares section and created a FOLDER by selecting it from the drop down and pressing CREATE HERE button.

Then i went inside this folder and created a FILE by selecting FILE from the drop down menu and clicking the CREATE HERE button again.

In the next screen, i browsed the local machine and selected one file to upload. filled up the rest of the form and clicked SEND FOR PUBLISHING.

Then i switched to the website view. Here when i clicked the links PRODUCTS > SOFTWARES.... i did not see any folder which i just created.

SO i tried changing the URL from



I chaned 50 to 55 and i could see the page belonging to the folder i created with the file listed there.

Can anyone tell me how to get the folders listed in the left menu once i create them in ADMIN view?

Thanks in advance.

Tore Skobba

Monday 17 November 2003 5:02:18 am


Sounds like you have an template problem, as the menu to the left is made with a template. Try to insert this into your template for the left menu:

{section loop=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,$node.node_id, class_filter_type, "include", class_filter_array, array(1)))} <a class="path" href={concat("/content/view/full/",$:item.node_id,"/")|ezurl}>{$}</a><br />

The above will fetch all content of type folder from your current posistion on the page. Then display the name with an link to it.


sajid saiyed

Monday 17 November 2003 5:14:09 am

I am really new,

can you tell me which is the file that i have to edit and where do i have to place this code?


Tore Skobba

Monday 17 November 2003 6:48:10 am


In the file /design/your design/templates/pagelayout.tpl insert this

{section loop=fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id,$node.node_id))} <a class="path" href={concat("/content/view/full/",$:item.node_id,"/"|ezurl}>{$}</a><br />

(fetches ALL)
Note putting this code into pagelayout.tpl could be very bad design depending upon your design.. However inserting it into pagelayout.tpl should at least give you some lins.
