Forums / Setup & design / Need to copy site from one server to another

Need to copy site from one server to another

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Andy Woods

Tuesday 21 June 2011 1:55:28 am

I've been developing an ez4.4 site on a development server.  It's now ready to be copied across to the production server.

Can you tell me what is the correct process to copy the site across to the new server please?

Is it simply a case of:

  1. install ezpublish on new server
  2. import database from dev server
  3. upload extension folders

Which folder contains the 'Media' files (images, Word docs etc) that I have uploaded to the dev server via the CMS?  Is it the '/var' folder?  Is this the only other folder I need to upload to the new server to ensure that all the content is transferred across?



Andy Caiger

Tuesday 21 June 2011 2:46:10 am

Yes, you need to copy /var. You also need to copy settings/siteaccess and settings/override.

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Donat Fritschy

Tuesday 21 June 2011 3:38:21 am

Actually, you need only to copy /var/storage from the /var directory. The other subdirectories in /var are recreated as needed.

You will also need to check the permissions on the file server. See bin/

Finally, clear all caches in the admin (setup/cache) and recreate the autoloads (setup/extensions).

>>> OOPS! See comment by Marko below. Thanks for the correction. -Donat - Developers united in eZ Publish:

Helge Silset

Tuesday 21 June 2011 7:45:23 am

Hi Andy,

ezcopy should be able to handle this. It will create an archive containing your installation and an sql dump on your development server and download it.

If you have permissions to create databases and assign rights on your destination server, use 'download-install'. If not, you can use 'download' and import the database manually.

The repository on isn't quite up to date, but it should get the job done.

Hope this helps!

Marko Žmak

Tuesday 21 June 2011 11:38:20 am


Actually, you need only to copy /var/storage from the /var directory. The other subdirectories in /var are recreated as needed.


That's not really true. You also have to copy this folders:

  • var/<yoursiteaccess>/storage - it's most important, all binary content (images, pdfs, files...) are actualy here
  • var/log and var/<yousiteaccess>log - if you want to keep the logs

Also if you have several siteaccess that don't share the storage folder you will have to copy storage folders for all of them.

Also you should check if you have some extension that creates some permanent files in some other folders than this ones. (which should not happen if the extension is writtten correctly)

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 22 June 2011 6:14:41 am

Hi Andy, 

I hope these gentlemens' good insight helped you solve your problem. If so, feel free to mark the thread as solved (click the small ticker right on the left of this thread's title).


Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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Andy Woods

Friday 24 June 2011 2:26:49 am

Thanks guys - I'll let you know how I get on.

Much appreciated,
