Forums / Setup & design / Need help with best_sell_list

Need help with best_sell_list

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Christopher Grondahl

Sunday 08 January 2006 11:19:52 am

We run ez to offer courses and I've included the "best sell list" in our interface in order to motivate our local instructors to work actively to get people to enrol and pay via the web.

My problem is that the best_sell_list seems to be an all-time-high overview of the most sold items ever.

That's really demotivating for our instructors, as the best sold items are the ones we used to test our interface back in development ... My question is:

Is there a way to reset the list or make it show the monthly/weekly high?

I've tried to post this subject before, but received no comments. I would be very happy to get some help on this.



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