Forums / Setup & design / Need help in running cron job

Need help in running cron job

Author Message

Ashish Banerjee

Wednesday 01 September 2004 3:37:12 am

I am using Win2k machine and ezPublish 3.4.1. I am trying to run a cron job using PHP to clear the workflow queue. This is what happening.

1) I have set Windows path to php.exe, so when I am going to "C:\eZpublish\ezpublish", the directory where "runcronjobs.php" file is and running "php runcronjobs.php", then I am getting the following error:"C:\eZpublish\ezpublish>php runcronjobs.php
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.6

PHP is currently using the 'cgi-fcgi' interface. Make sure it is using the 'cli'

2) If I am switching to the directory where the php.exe is, and then executing "php -C c:\eZpublish\ezpublish\runcronjobs.php" then I am getting whole bunch of error like
"<br />
<b>Warning</b>: main(lib/ezutils/classes/ezini.php): failed to open stream: No
such file or directory in <b>c:\eZpublish\ezpublish\lib\ezutils\classes\ezextens
ion.php</b> on line <b>49</b><br />
<br />"

Please help me asap. I need to set a demo for my team using ezPublish.

Thanks in advance