Forums / Setup & design / my own function: how to write it and how to use it?

my own function: how to write it and how to use it?

Author Message

Alessandro Cipriani

Tuesday 02 March 2004 8:43:10 am

hi all
i'm writing my own php function to retrieve the session id

the function is
function getSessionId()
$session = & $GLOBALS["eZSessionObject"];
return $session->id();

i'd like to know:
- is it alright or there is some error?
- where shall i place my php file with the function?
- how shall i call my function from my template?

best regards

James Packham

Tuesday 02 March 2004 8:55:34 am

If you don't get a reply you might do better posting this in the developer forum...



Alex Jones

Tuesday 02 March 2004 9:17:36 am

Alessandro, have you read the documentation about Modules? It should help guide you in the right direction.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>