Forums / Setup & design / My brain hurts - Fresh install is missing Class and Section. Can't add or edit objects.

My brain hurts - Fresh install is missing Class and Section. Can't add or edit objects.

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Kagen Tres

Friday 16 April 2004 1:44:55 pm

I've been using EZ for over a year with no problems. A few days ago I logged into one of my EZ sites and noticed that there is no Class or Section listed next to the content objects. Also, Priority boxes are empty.

When trying to edit existing objects, i get this error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/xray/public_html/ezpublish-3.2-3/kernel/classes/ezcontentobject.php on line 719
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request

I've tried everything to remedy this problem. I even deleted the account and installed a fresh 3.2-3 with the default database and STILL the class and section information is missing and produces errors when trying to add or edit content through the admin interface.

When trying to add a new object, I get this error:

Location did not validate
No main node selected, please select one.
I created a new web account, and installed a fresh 3.3-4 ezpublish yesterday. It also has these exact same problems. Could it be a MySQL incompatibility?

MySQL 4.0.18
Apache 1.3.29
PHP 4.3.3
Athlon 2000, 512MB
Redhat 9
Ez sites are run in secure vhost mode.

John Mina

Sunday 18 April 2004 5:19:56 am

HEy hi
I guess it is aDB problem
Unfortunatly i can't help much with it, as iam new with MYsql
but i am sure all sections are stored in Mysql Db , not related to the installation if it is fresh or whatever,

did you move the old db files after installign the fresh installation

good luck, and Take care