Forums / Setup & design / Mutiple site access - new design's CSS not found

Mutiple site access - new design's CSS not found

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cousin mosquito

Sunday 26 April 2009 8:15:23 pm

I have set up a new site access by copying the old folders and renaming them as in this tutorial.

I replicated the database and put new paths in the appropriate ini files for the 2nd database.
Now my content uploads correctly and I can access the new site in both admin and browsing mode.

I want a different "look and feel" for each site_access
...but the new site access is only reading the templates and css from the original site's path.

@import url(/ezpublish/extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/stylesheets/core.css);
    @import url(/ezpublish/design/standard/stylesheets/debug.css);
    @import url(/ezpublish/extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/stylesheets/pagelayout.css);
    @import url(/ezpublish/extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/stylesheets/content.css);
    @import url(/ezpublish/extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/stylesheets/websitetoolbar.css);

It appears (to me) that the new site_access isnt picking up the new pagelayout.tpl file, because the CSS from the original design is not present when I view source in my browser.

What file do I need to edit, to make my new site_access recognise the CSS of the new design?

Original design:
New design:

Original siteaccess:
New siteaccess:


Asking the dumb questions for your benefit

Olivier Portier

Tuesday 28 April 2009 1:40:10 am

Hi Jeff,

First in your settings/site.ini.append.php your extension should be activated before ezwebin's:


Then in your extension/ezwebin_rafter/settings/design.ini.append.php you need to define your design and your CSS :



Your templates will be loaded before ezwebin templates if their path are exactly the same.
Hope this will help you.

cousin mosquito

Friday 15 May 2009 3:02:11 am

Thanks heaps!
That all worked well.


Asking the dumb questions for your benefit