Forums / Setup & design / Muticolumn in css

Muticolumn in css

Author Message

Veronique Jamilloux

Wednesday 01 June 2011 4:08:06 am


In my template,I would like for an attribute multi-column layouts. In css we can define a div like that:

div# NewsArticle{ 
border: solid black 1em;
padding: 1em; 
column-count: 2; 
column-rule: solid black 1em; 
column-gap: 4em;
border: solid black 1em; 
padding: 1em; 
column-count: 2; 
column-rule: solid black 1em; 
column-gap: 4em;

I put this in my stylesheet file.

If I display my object, when I use the css inspector of the browser, this tag definition is interpreted like that:


{border-top-width: 1em;

border-right-width-value: 1em;

border-right-width-ltr-source: physical;

border-right-width-rtl-source: physical;

border-bottom-width: 1em;

border-left-width-value: 1em;

border-left-width-ltr-source: physical;

border-left-width-rtl-source: physical;

border-top-style: solid;

border-right-style-value: solid;

border-right-style-ltr-source: physical;

border-right-style-rtl-source: physical;

border-bottom-style: solid;

border-left-style-value: solid;

border-left-style-ltr-source: physical;

border-left-style-rtl-source: physical;

border-top-color: black;

border-right-color-value: black;

border-right-color-ltr-source: physical;

border-right-color-rtl-source: physical;

border-bottom-color: black;

border-left-color-value: black;

border-left-color-ltr-source: physical;

border-left-color-rtl-source: physical;

padding-top: 1em;

padding-right: 1em;

padding-bottom: 1em;

padding-left: 1em;


and it miss column-count:2; column-rule: solid black 1em; column-bap:4em. And the display of the attribute stays on only One column!

It seems that eZ publish doesn't manage these css properties.

How can I solve this problem?

Thanks a lot for your help.


Route de Saint Cyr
78000 Versailles

Brandon Chambers

Wednesday 01 June 2011 10:12:29 am


-Try pasting your CSS code into W3C's CSS validator (

-Are you using Windows / Notepad while editing your CSS file? Make sure there aren't any special characeters in the file (use Notepad++ for Windows or use any *nix machine)

-Is your CSS being compiled/packed with eZJSCore?

-If your have CSS in the template file, remember to use {literal}{/literal} tags or {ldelim}{rdelim}

-Make sure there's no comment blocks in CSS messing you up.

Hope this helps

Brandon Chambers
[email protected]
Granite Horizon /

Veronique Jamilloux

Wednesday 01 June 2011 10:53:09 am

Hi Brandon,

Thanks for your suggestions.

I don't understand what you mean by -Is your CSS being compiled/packed with eZJSCore?

My editor is Eclipse

My css was validate with
and there is no comment in my css file

I'll try to put my style with {literal}{/literal} tags

Thanks again for your help


Route de Saint Cyr
78000 Versailles

Brandon Chambers

Wednesday 01 June 2011 1:30:23 pm


Hi Brandon,

Thanks for your suggestions.

I don't understand what you mean by -Is your CSS being compiled/packed with eZJSCore?

My editor is Eclipse

My css was validate with
and there is no comment in my css file

I'll try to put my style with {literal}{/literal} tags

Thanks again for your help



If you take a look at your page source real quick: if there is only one file with a hash-type looking filename like: jkldfsgjklfgf90200ds98090d890fds.css being included on your page, all the CSS is probably being packed with the eZJSCore packer.

Take a look at the ezjscore extension which should be available in at least eZP 4.3+. Its settings in ezjscore/settings/ezjscore.ini has the ability to disable packing for debugging and non-caching behavioral purposes.

I hope this helps!

Let me know about your progress!  :)

Brandon Chambers
[email protected]
Granite Horizon /