Tuesday 01 March 2005 10:38:20 am
Hi all, I spent half a day reading and messing around until I could create separate site accesses (corporate, corporate_es, corporate_it) for my multilingual site. However, there is still one problem: When accessing the homepage through any alternative site access (coporate_es, corporate_it, etc) the <b>Anonymous role is forced to login!</b> The hard-coded translations works fine, as the authorization error show in the corresponding language. Besides, after I login (as the administrator, for example), things work like a charm (I see my translated content as it should) Note that I'm using the exact same site.ini.append.php (actually I'm copying the complete siteaccess folder) for each site access, changing only this lines:
I turned on Debug for the siteaccess and I can tell that the site access is being identified correctly, but there are problems with authentification:
Debug: not able to get access to siteaccess (kernel-siteaccess)
Is there any policy setting to adjust??
What am I overlooking here? (should I translate the anonymous user to the secondary translations?... I don't think so) Any help is grately appreciated.
Regards, Aldo