Wednesday 14 December 2005 6:11:34 am
Hi there, I just setup a multilanguage website, that features ita-IT as default and eng-US as secondary language.
I created the two folders in siteaccess, so I ended up with:
/settings/siteaccess/main /settings/siteaccess/en
I read all the documentation I was able to find about this subject, but it looks like everybody just creates a site.ini.append.php in the new siteaccess folders and it works as expected, taking the design from the main siteaccess.
I obviously inserted SiteDesign=main and AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=base, but every override, toolbar and everything was not working in the "en" siteaccess.
So I tried to create symbolic links pointing from ../main/override.ini.append.php (together with every other file in the dir), and it works. Is this the correct way? I don't find it so obvious to mantain 2 different siteaccess with different files, because I should create everything 2 times. Maybe there is some black magic trick to put in site.ini.append I'm not aware of?
Second thing: the servervar matchorder method.
It seems like it could enable ezpublish to automatically choose a siteaccess, looking at the server variables, but beside a couple of rows in the new documentation I cannot find anything about this. It's almost an undocumented feature... Can someone illuminate me about its use?
Thank you in advance, Max