Forums / Setup & design / module content into sidebar?

module content into sidebar?

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Terry Grossman

Wednesday 07 July 2004 7:19:14 am


I'm trying to add content into a sidebar on my "pagelayout.tpl" -- much like the homepage which has a list of related content down the right side of the page. I have modified my pagelayout.tpl to have a table layout, with the current node content being displayed in the main column and the right column is defined in an included tpl file -- {include uri="design:sidebar.tpl"}

I understand how to use fetch in sidebar.tpl in order to retrieve nodes and display them using templates. That works, and I can (for instance) retrieve articles and display them.

But I have spent some time installing and tinkering with ezCalendar and would like to display the content produced by the calendar module using the "month_small" module view. This module/view produces html code and returns it in $content

I would think that I should be able to call the module from within "sidebar.tpl" and then include the $content in the sidebar. I haven't been able to get this to work, nor can I find any information on how to do this.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated


Terry G.

Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 07 July 2004 9:30:36 am


That is not possible AFAIK. Can't you use the calendar widget (which is used in the blog demo site)?


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Terry Grossman

Wednesday 07 July 2004 10:14:41 am

I did some searching and apparently these demo's are what you get if you choose the example setups from within the installer wizard. However, as part of the basic tutorial "building an ez website" you are explicitly told not to choose any of the demos, so I've never seen them before! Who knew? ;)

Anyway, I found the blog demo site at and that is exactly the kind of calendar display I would like to do.

But I cannot find docs for the blog demo, its templates, or the widgets used. I searched for demo related info and couldn't find anything usefull. Where is the blog demo discussed or documented?

Thanks for your help

Terry G.

Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 07 July 2004 10:39:17 am

No docs I'am afraid. But study the docs for the toolbar/menu system of 3.4: that's one point of departure, the other is the templates from the blog site (the calendar navigator is actually in the standard templates)



eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Terry Grossman

Wednesday 07 July 2004 12:37:18 pm

Hey Paul,

I found the calendar "monthview" template, but I'm unsure how to use it. Could you post the weblog tpl file(s) that displays the calendar? Otherwise I will have to do an entire new install just to grab the file(s).

