Wednesday 07 July 2004 7:19:14 am
Hello, I'm trying to add content into a sidebar on my "pagelayout.tpl" -- much like the homepage which has a list of related content down the right side of the page. I have modified my pagelayout.tpl to have a table layout, with the current node content being displayed in the main column and the right column is defined in an included tpl file -- {include uri="design:sidebar.tpl"} I understand how to use fetch in sidebar.tpl in order to retrieve nodes and display them using templates. That works, and I can (for instance) retrieve articles and display them. But I have spent some time installing and tinkering with ezCalendar and would like to display the content produced by the calendar module using the "month_small" module view. This module/view produces html code and returns it in $content I would think that I should be able to call the module from within "sidebar.tpl" and then include the $content in the sidebar. I haven't been able to get this to work, nor can I find any information on how to do this. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated Thanks Terry G.